Friday 10 December 2010

Mile Stone 1 Research

The first thing that I research for the task one was the 3D Computing Technology on photo realistic modeling. This research is adapted from the other module of 3D Computing Technology. I have look into the 3D modeling skills, 3rd Party Renderers that will help the model to look realistic and also Vray Renders an plug in for 3D max for reality rendering.
Then for the second research is for the Circle Game Play. I have look into character design for games. I look into different journals that talks about character design for example :

Mirjam Eladhari and Craig A. Lindley (2009) "Digital Games Research Conference" Zero Game Studio
Emotive game play, player character, mind modeling, MMORPG, emergence, Massively Multiplayer, characterization.
Petri Lankoski (2004) "Character Design Fundamentals for Role-Playing Games"
Understand how player experiences the game, depends on the player to design the game. Set the Goals, Habitus and emotions depending on the player. Then  design the character, then from character to game
Henry Jenkins (2005) "Games Design As Narrative Architecture"
The question among the game fans, designers, and shcolars in the relationship between games and stories.

Then I start to compare two of the character design software Z-Brush and Mudbox. This two software is usually use in games company and some freelance company.

The last part for my research is to look into cars. This is the area that I am most interested in. I have look into different car racing games and some super cars. Then I have also look into different kind of car racing that is going on in the real world. For example the touring car racing, Rally car racing, Formula One and more. All this racing is still happening around us. I also look into car turing and custom car vinyl. Car tuning I look into which part of tuning will do what effect to the car . Custom car vinyl is very popular in Japan they sticks different type of sticker on the car and also they have different kind of choices to choose.

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