Thursday 20 January 2011

Post 8 - ACM Draft Report

This week session we are focussing on task two draft report. Each of us speak to Salam or Nick and talk about what kind of research and ideas for the final year project. But at this point I am still very lost of what kind of things I will be doing after the master. I am thinking to get into a game company. I have come up with a few ideas but not confirm which one i am going to choose.

These is my idea:

1. Game Level design
This will be using UDK to build playable game level

2. Modelling
This will include using 3D max to model and animate

3. Character design
This will be to design a character for a game

These three ideas have come out of my head but I am not sure which one to choose. I am more on the game level design because this is what I came in for the master course. But i also like to model using 3D max this a section that can draw my attention. I am doing a Game Authoring course which will be using UDK to build level. So i will still keep my ideas open till I can get what I wanted to do.

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